The kitchen is the one place in the house most likely to get untidy, cluttered and dirty as it is the most used & requires a lot of patience to keep your kitchen clean and tidy. From the utensils, to countertops, shelves, sink, fridge, microwave oven and assorted appliances to make life easier, you have a lot of stuff on your to-do list when you start cleaning your kitchen. This may take a lot of time, leaving you tired and exhausted, which may result in some places being left unattended. Here are some tips to keep your kitchen clean and clutter free.
Throw away what you don’t need
There might a bunch of expired packets of spices which you don’t need anymore, so throw them in the dustbin. Plastic containers, plastic carry bags, empty jars and bottles etc. will never be used again, so don’t let them occupy any more space in the kitchen. You can also make a list of these things and throw them in the dustbin. If you can recycle them with any DIY ideas, then go for it.
Division of Utensils
If you have different types of utensils like aluminium, glass and ceramic, then don’t store them all together. Make a list of them and create separate divisions for each and store accordingly. This will later make it easier for you to find the right vessel for your needs and extends the life of your vessel too.
Organisation of food items
Remember, organisation is the key for a clean and tidy kitchen. So, keep your food items in separate places according to how often you reach for them. The items needed for regular usage should be stored first and in an easy-to-reach place so that you don’t have to go looking for them. Organize your shelves according to how often you use the items. To find each item quickly, you can label the shelves and jars, etc with specific names.
Separate corner for kids
You can create a separate corner for kids who may be interested in participating in the kitchen. Keep their childproofed equipment, items of food, appliances neatly labeled and within reach. This will make it easy for your kids to find their item when you are not at home and also it will keep them away from harmful items like chilli peppers.
Clean the cooking area
It is normal for the stovetop or burners to be the most grittiest, hard-to-clean part of the kitchen. You will need to put in some extra elbow grease to keep it pristine. During the cooking process, oils, spices and powders are most likely to mess up a pristine stove top. The key is to immediately clean post completion of cooking. You can also use the mixture of vinegar, 3 tbsp baking soda and water to clean the cooking area.
Don’t forget the countertops
Countertops are as important spaces as the cooking area. And this is the place where we put several things like plates, bowls, food etc. But countertops are for preparing or garnishing your foods, so, don’t take it for granted. Keep the countertops clean and clutter free. Oil, spices, and other food items should be kept from it to keep it tidy.
Things to not do for a clean kitchen:
1. Hygiene implements like soap, liquid wash, scrubber, clothes should be placed in a separate place like a drawer or hanging bar.
2. Don’t throw the food scraps in the drain as it will get clogged resulting in stagnant water.
3. Don’t keep used utensils for a long time on the sink, this is not only unhygienic but can also cause a bad smell in the kitchen area.